Shaykh Abdul Azeez Ibn Baaz
There exists a Masjid in our area that has been built by a group from
the Soofiyyah. This was after we – Ahlus Sunnah – wanted to build it,
however they insisted on building it and so they did. The Masjid is
under their administration and control. They hold sessions of poetry and
praises in the Masjid.
Is it permissible for us – the Sunnis –
to pray in this Masjid with them and also pray behind their Imaam who is
an innovator, or what else can we do?
If their Imaam is not a disbeliever, and he only has with him some
innovations that do not necessitate a person to be exited from Islaam,
then there is nothing preventing one from praying with them as well as
advising, educating and teaching them by calling them to Allaah after
the prayers. Also [there is no problem] in circles of knowledge in the
Masjid so the people benefit, learn and leave the innovations they have
with them – inshaaAllah. This is from cooperating upon righteousness and
Taqwa (piety) and also from the avenue of advising each other.
If, however, the Imaam performs that
which necessitates disbelief, such as the person who seeks deliverance
and rescue from Prophet (sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam), supplicates to
other than Allaah, seeks rescue from the deceased, makes oaths and vows
by them or sacrifices in their name then this is disbelief and
misguidance. These actions are acts of disbelief and so it is not
permissible to pray behind such a person. This is because these actions
are acts of disbelief in Allaah (the Exalted) and polytheism.
Similar to this is if their Imaam
possesses a creed of disbelief, like the one who believes that the
righteous people are able to effect creation other than Allaah and that
they control the worlds. This is similar to what some of the Soofiyyah
say. Also [if the Imaam] possesses the belief of those people who
believe in the unity of creation, whereby they say that the Creator and
creation are one; the Creator and creation, the worshipper and the One
worshipped are one in unity; and other false notions of disbelief – the
one who possesses such beliefs is a disbeliever and one is not to pray
behind him.
As for the innovations that are less than
disbelief then it is permissible to pray behind him. For example the
innovation of celebrating the birthday of the Prophet (sal Allaahu
alayhi wa sallam), it is not disbelief. Also some of the other
innovations that the Soofees partake in that do not contain aspects of
disbelief, rather they are less than disbelief and so praying behind
them cannot be prohibited.
As for the poetry that they come with, then
it is to be analysed. So if it contains disbelief like the poetry of the
one who wrote the Burdah, [1] wherein he said:
Most generous of mankind, I have no one to take refuge in;
Except you at occurrence of widespread calamity.
Except you at occurrence of widespread calamity.
If you do not take my hand out if kindness on the Day of Resurrection,
then what great trouble I will be in
then what great trouble I will be in
For verily amongst your bounties is this world, and the hereafter.
And part of your knowledge is knowledge of the Preserved Tablet (Lowh), and the Pen.
And part of your knowledge is knowledge of the Preserved Tablet (Lowh), and the Pen.
Whenever time caused me any distress and I took refuge in him.
I receive shelter from him which was not misused.
I receive shelter from him which was not misused.
These verses of poetry contain disbelief
and this is a misguided belief. So if those in the Masjid believe
similar to these affairs then the prayer is not fulfilled behind their
Imaam. This is because the belief that the Messenger of Allaah (sal
Allaahu alayhi wa sallam) knows the unseen or that he has control over
this world and the Hereafter is disbelief and misguidance – refuge is
sought in Allaah. The knowledge of the unseen is only known to Allaah
(Glorified and the Most High).
Similar to this is the belief of some of
the Soofees and polytheists who believe that the Messenger of Allaah
(sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam) is able to rescue people on the Day of
Resurrection and that he is able to recue the one who supplicates to him
on the Day of Resurrection from the Fire. This is disbelief and
All the affairs are in the Hands of
Allaah (Glorified and the Most High); He is the one who saves from the
Fire; He is the one who has knowledge of the Unseen; He is the one who
possesses sovereignty and controls all the affairs – May He be Glorified
the Most High.
The Messenger (sal Allaahu alayhi wa
sallam) does not possess the ability to exit people from the Fire; he is
able to plead intercession, and Allaah has availed him a limited
opportunity to intercede on the Day of Resurrection. He will only
intercede for the people of Tawheed and Imaan (Faith).
Abu Huraira (may Allaah be please with him) said,
O Messenger of Allaah, who are the people truly deserving of your intercession?
He replied,
Whomsoever declared ‘Laa ilaaha illa Allaah’ sincerely from his heart
or he said,
sincerely from his self
He (sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam) also said,
I have delayed my supplication [so I may seek] intercession for my nation on the Day of Resurrections. It will be achieved – Allaah willing – by the one who dies from my nation and does not associate any partners to Allaah
In conclusion, if the Imaam has aspects
of disbelief with him, then he is not to be prayed behind. As for if his
innovations are less than disbelief then there is nothing preventing
the prayer behind him.
However if there is another Masjid
wherein Ahlus Sunnah are present, then it is better and preferred to
pray therein; it is also more distanced from any evil.
At the same time, however, Ahlus Sunnah
should remain in contact with People of Innovation (Ahl al-bid’ah) in
order to advise, direct, educate and give them understanding of the
religion; cooperating with them upon goodness and Taqwa (piety).
This is because some of the people of
innovation may be ignorant and lack insight, so if he was to know the
truth he would accept it and leave alone the innovation. Therefore Ahlus
Sunnah should remain in contact with the people of innovation in order
to advise, direct and teach them the Sunnah, as well as warning them
from innovations.
This is the obligation upon the people of knowledge and faith. This is due to the saying of Allaah,
{Invite to the Way of your Lord
with wisdom fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better.
Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He
is the Best Aware of those who are guided} [16:125]
Also, the saying of Allaah,
{And who is better in speech than
he who says: “My Lord is Allaah (believes in His Oneness)” and then
stands straight (acts upon His Order), and invites to Allaah and does
righteous deeds, and says: “I am one of the Muslims} [41:33]
We ask Allaah to grant guidance to everybody.
الصلاة مع الصوفية أصحاب الموالد
في حيّنا مسجد بناه جماعة من الصوفية، بعد أن أردنا نحن – أهل السنة –
بناءه، ولكنهم أصروا على بنائه وفعلوا، وهو الآن تحت إدارتهم وتصرفهم،
ويقومون فيه بأشعار ومدائح، فهل يجوز لنا نحن السُنيين أن نصلي فيه معهم
وخلف إمامهم المبتدع أم ماذا نفعل؟
إذا كان إمامهم ليس بكافر وإنما عنده بعض البدع التي لا تخرجه من الإسلام،
فلا مانع من الصلاة معهم ونصيحتهم وتوجيههم وإرشادهم بالدعوة إلى الله بعد
الصلوات، وفي حلقات العلم في المسجد حتى يستفيدوا وينتفعوا ويدعوا ما
عندهم من البدع إن شاء الله، لأن هذا من باب التعاون على البر والتقوى ومن
باب التناصح،
أما إن كان إمامهم يتعاطى ما
يوجب كفره، كالذي يستغيث بالرسول – صلى الله عليه وسلم – أو يدعوه من دون
الله، أو يستغيث بالأموات وينذر لهم ويذبح لهم، هذا كفر وضلال، هذه أمور
كفرية لا يصلى خلفه، لأن هذه الأمور من الأمور الكفر بالله والشرك بالله –
عز وجل،
وهكذا إذا كان إمامهم يعتقد
اعتقادات كفرية، كأن يعتقد أن غير الله يتصرف في الكون من الأولياء، وأنهم
يدبرون هذا العالم، من الأولياء كما يفعله بعض الصوفية، أو يعتقدون ما
يعتقده أصحاب وحدة الوجود بأن الخالق والمخلوق واحد، الخالق والمخلوق
والعبد والمعبود ونحو ذلك من المقالات الخبيثة الملحدة فهذا كافر ولا يصلى
أما إذا كانت بدع دون الكفر فإن
هذا يصلى خلفه، مثل بدعة المولد وليس فيها كفر، مثل بعض البدع الأخرى التي
يفعلها الصوفية وليست بكفر، بل دون الكفر فلا تمنع من الصلاة خلفه،
وأما الأشعار التي يأتي بها ينظر فيها فإن كانت أشعاراً كفرية مثل أشعار صاحب البردة في قوله:
يا أكرم الخلق ما لي من ألوذ
بسواك عند حلول الحادث العمم
إن لم تكن بمعادي آخذاً بيدي
فضلاً وإلا فقل يا زلة القدم
فإن من جودك الدنيا وضرتها
ومن علومك علم اللوح والقلم
بسواك عند حلول الحادث العمم
إن لم تكن بمعادي آخذاً بيدي
فضلاً وإلا فقل يا زلة القدم
فإن من جودك الدنيا وضرتها
ومن علومك علم اللوح والقلم
هذه أشعار كفرية، هذا اعتقادٌ ضال، فإذا
كان أصحاب المسجد يعتقدوا مثل هذه الأمور فلا يصلى خلف إمامهم، لأن
الاعتقاد بأن الرسول – صلى الله عليه وسلم- يعلم الغيب، أو أنه يملك الدنيا
والآخرة هذا كفرٌ ولا ضلال والعياذ بالله، لأن علم الغيب لا يعلمه إلا
الله – سبحانه وتعالى -،
وهكذا اعتقاد بعض الصوفية وبعض الوثنية أن
الرسول – صلى الله عليه وسلم- ينقذ الناس يوم القيامة، وينقذ من دعاه يوم
القيامة ويخرجه من النار، هذا كله كفرٌ وضلال، إنما الأمور بيد الله –
سبحانه وتعالى -، هو الذي ينجي من النار، وهو الذي يعلم الغيب، وهو مالك
لكل شيء، والمدبر للأمور- سبحانه وتعالى
-، والرسول – صلى الله عليه وسلم- ليس بيده
إخراج الناس من النار، بل يشفع ويحد الله له حداً يوم القيامة في الشفاعة
عليه الصلاة والسلام، ولا يشفع إلا لأهل التوحيد والإيمان، كما قد سأله أبو
هريرة- رضي الله عنه – قال يا رسول الله: ((من أحق الناس بشفاعتك؟ )) قال:
((من قال لا إله إلا الله خالصاً من قلبه، أو قال: خالصاً من نفسه)، وقال
عليه الصلاة والسلام: (إني اختبأت دعوتي شفاعة لأمتي يوم القيامة فهي
نائلةٌ إن شاء الله، من مات من أمتي لا يشرك بالله شيئاً)) فشفاعته لأهل
التوحيد والإيمان لا لأهل الكفر بالله – عز وجل -.
فالحاصل أن الإمام إذا كان عنده شيءٌ من
الكفر هذا لا يصلى خلفه، أما إذا كانت بدعته دون الكفر فلا مانع من الصلاة
خلفه، ولكن إذا وجد مسجدٌ آخر فيه أهل السنة فالصلاة خلفهم أولى وأحسن
وأبعد عن الشر، ولكن مع ذلك ينبغي لأهل السنة أن يتصلوا بأهل البدع للنصيحة
والتوجيه والتعليم والتفقيه والتعاون على البر والتقوى، لأن بعض أهل البدع
قد يكونوا جاهلاً ما عنده بصيرة، فلو علم الحق لأخذ به وترك بدعته.
فينبغي لأهل السنة أن لا يدعوا أهل البدع،
بل عليهم أن يتصلوا بهم وينصحوهم ويوجهوهم ويعلموهم السنة ويحذروهم من
البدعة، لأن هذا هو الواجب على أهل العلم والإيمان، كما قال الله – سبحانه
وتعالى -:
{ادْعُ إِلِى سَبِيلِ رَبِّكَ بِالْحِكْمَةِ وَالْمَوْعِظَةِ الْحَسَنَةِ وَجَادِلْهُم بِالَّتِي هِيَ أَحْسَنُ} (125) سورة النحل،
وقال – سبحانه وتعالى -:
{وَمَنْ أَحْسَنُ قَوْلًا مِّمَّن دَعَا إِلَى اللَّهِ وَعَمِلَ صَالِحًا وَقَالَ إِنَّنِي مِنَ الْمُسْلِمِينَ} (33) سورة فصلت.
نسأل الله للجميع التوفيق الهداية.